It is becoming more difficult to get a home loan with interest rate going up and house price flying at the top record price but With many varied offering of house loans and home finance, Bank gives home loans opportunities to select the perfect loan as per your needs of a dream home. It is good idea to get in touch with a few of agencies and seek their advice, so you will be able to make a well-informed decision in this matter.

Dec 7, 2007

Interest Rate

The interest rate for house loans are based on the house loan program and currency, it may vary between banks and some time could be a cold shower when your loan may not be approved at some banks. Don’t worry because Interest only loans are available for borrowers with poor credit scores.

Nov 30, 2007

Home Loan


Banks are not very understanding toward people who pay late, but they can help a lot if you show your trust and equity.

Bankers admit that there are many people buying houses and renting them out to pay off they loans.